2023 Lyon

2023 Meeting Euroopean Working Group on Overflow and Overtopping Erosion 5-7 July 2023, Lyon, France

EWG-OOE Annual Meeting

This year, we will organize at the same place and the same week :

- Lyon, France- the 29th annual EWG-IE meeting from Monday, July 3 to Wednesday, July 5, 2023  

(European Working Group on Internal Erosion in Embankment Dams, Dikes and Levees, and their Foundations) ; 

- the 4th annual EWG-OOE meeting from Wednesday, July 5 to Friday, July 7, 2023  

(European Working Group on Overflowing and Overtopping Erosion). 

This event will be organized by Eric Vincens and Francesco Froiio (ECL, LTDS Lyon), Jean-Robert Courivaud (EDF CIH Chambery), Christophe Picault (CNR CACOH Lyon) and Stéphane Bonelli (INRAE Aix-en-Provence). 

Book these dates now!
